Get An Asbestos Audit Melbourne Today
Dealing with asbestos on a property can be tough if you do not know what to look for. Learn more if you have an asbestos at home:
- What is an asbestos audit?
- What to Expect?
- If you really need to have your property checked?
If you need to have an asbestos audit in Melbourne, it would be good to contact experts. This is not a simple task. Only qualified experts would know how to deal with this.
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What is an asbestos audit Melbourne?
An asbestos audit should be done for buildings, structures, and materials that contain asbestos. Exposure to asbestos containing materials (ACM) can put you at risk for numerous health diseases. Any building that uses ACMs will need to undergo an asbestos audit in Melbourne. This audit consists of an inspection and report on the premises.
The report would include photos of the building and the ACMs. The inspector will also give control recommendations that would give the client options on how to deal with the ACMs. These control recommendations are designed to help lessen the risk of exposure for the occupants of the building.

What to Expect
When you hire AW Removals for the asbestos audit job, we will comply with the local standards of inspections and audits. Book us and we’ll survey your property. Each floor of the property will be inspected and surveyed separately. Only a trained and qualified professional should carry out the inspection. We’ll closely scrutinize each floor and provide photographic evidence of suspected ACMs. Samples will then be taken of the suspected ACMs, and they will undergo microscopic analysis.
The results of the analysis will be interpreted, and there will be corresponding recommendations that are designed to reduce or eliminate the health risks. After, a complete Asbestos Material Report and Register (AMRR) will be drawn up. This will have a detailed record of the building that includes the location of any materials that contain asbestos, assessment of the condition of the ACMs, health and safety ratings, and a clearance report that states the building is safe.
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If there is asbestos on the site, then a management plan will be prepared. This is a plan that will state what needs to be done to control asbestos exposure until the ACM is removed completely. The building owner will have to comply with the recommendations and hire removal experts, if needed, before they will be able to obtain clearance for the building.
If you need to have your property checked or you’d like an asbestos audit in Melbourne, give the staff of Asbestos Removal Melbourne a call. You can contact us at 0488 121 214.
The experts at AW Removals have two decades of experience in the industry. We comply with the local building code and industry standards regarding how to deal with asbestos and the proper procedures for its removal. Our staff has undergone all the necessary training, and we are completely licensed, certified, and insured to provide our services. If you are concerned with asbestos roof tiles safety on your property, give AW Removals a call. We can work with you to remove that hazard from your property. We would be happy to answer your queries. Book your appointment with us today!