Did you know that when you enter a building, you could be at risk for mesothelioma asbestos exposure? Well, if the surroundings are still in perfect state, especially if they are newly built or have been built in the last two decades, there is no actual harm. But when an abode seems to be dilapidated already, and if it is an old building (built sometime in the 70s or 80s), there is a possibility that you could be exposed to asbestos there. When the roof, floor and wall are about to break, filaments of a fibrous mineral may be released into the air, and when you inhale these microscopic filaments, they may scar your lungs.

Asbestos Exposure: The “Where”
When you look up the sources on how to get mesothelioma asbestos exposure, you will find that there are quite a number of ways to catch asbestos. Aside from asbestos exposure in a house or building, occupational asbestos exposure may also be a culprit. Those who used to work in industries such as mining, automation, refinery, construction and shipping, may have come in contact with materials containing asbestos.
The “When”
In the 1970s, a surge of medical problems that were associated with the asbestos arose. Since there was relatively little information about mesothelioma asbestos exposure back then, exposure and risk were definitely higher in the past as compared to today. This is proven by the high number of asbestos-related medical cases being recorded in the 2000s and beyond – people with asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma often show symptoms decades after their initial exposure.
This is because asbestos fibres cause the lungs to scar over time, not overnight. The fibres never leave the lungs after they enter, and as the lungs function as they do, the friction between the fibres and the lung tissue causes the scarring to worsen and worsen.
Later, the government imposed strict regulations on asbestos use in these industries. There was also a global move to combat asbestos when information on its harms surfaced. Due to the influx of cases of this grave health condition, public awareness symposiums, information drives, and other campaigns were launched. Abatement programs were also closely supervised.

Tips to avoid asbestos exposure
If you are considering starting a major renovation project on an old building, do not rush in executing your decision. The building’s material may contain asbestos if it was built in the late 20th century. If old walls, ceilings, or countertops are broken, asbestos fibres may be released into the air, thus making people vulnerable to mesothelioma asbestos exposure.
If your wall or roof has to be repaired, do not ever attempt to saw or drill yourself because you may release asbestos strands to the air. If your home is likely to contain asbestos, always avail of asbestos testing first. Strands of the fibrous mineral are not found in a finished product; asbestos could also be spotted in natural elements such as soil and water. So, watch out for that as well.
If you live in urban areas, the possibility for exposure may be higher due to the industrial plants in the area. Mesothelioma is a deadly side effect of inhaling asbestos fibres. For many years, asbestos was a favourite insulation material , and unfortunately, it was not known until recently that people could get very sick from handling it. Armed with this information, make sure to be extra careful when handling the materials in your home! Call an asbestos removal company any time for help.