Asbestos has long been known to be tied with mesothelioma, a rare but deadly cancer that spurs the development of tumors on linings surrounding vital organs. Asbestos, while not used in construction today, is still known to be contained within numerous old structures, among them schools, older factories, and establishments. Although not dangerous in a non-agitated state, it’s still a bit worrisome knowing that many buildings contain dangerous material, whose fibres can be dispersed into the air during lacklustre construction projects or accidents (such as fires or earthquakes).
Conduct an Asbestos Audit
If you suspect that your home or your business structure contains asbestos, it is best to seek the services of an asbestos inspector to examine the potential areas. An accredited asbestos inspector will perform an extensive visual inspection of your home or business structure. They will take samples from any suspected areas and materials for laboratory testing. After inspecting and testing, they will provide you a written evaluation that details where the mineral can be found and its extent in the home. Moreover, they will instruct you how to properly address the situation.

Hire an Asbestos Removal Company
If the asbestos-containing materials in your home are damaged and disturbed, look for asbestos professionals to handle them. Here are some of the important things you need to note before hiring one:
- Asbestos professionals must have a document of their completion of federal or state-approved training to assure that they are accredited.
- Secure that there are no legal actions filed against them by checking on their past performances and local agencies responsible for their safety.
- Make sure that they are not connected with asbestos manufacturers or firms to avoid any conflict of interest.
The Removal Process
It is important to know the actual asbestos removal process to ensure the mineral is handled corresponding to the regulations of the place.
- Know the plan. Before the actualization, there must be a written contract stating the company’s plans, details of all federal, state and local regulations they must abide by, and the cleanup procedures.
- Set out demarcation. The area or site should be distinctly marked as a hazardous area.
- Observe proper handling of asbestos waste. The asbestos professionals should not break any removed materials into smaller pieces to make their cleanup easier because that would release fibres into the air and may potentially pose health risks.
- Make sure that the worksite remains clean and free of visible debris. The asbestos-containing materials and the clothing workers wear must be properly sealed and labeled to prevent contamination of other areas of the house.

Risks of Removing Asbestos
Special steps should be taken to completely eliminate the possibility of asbestos fibres being released into the air. If such an event would occur, the asbestos fibres would put everyone in the immediate vicinity in danger of contracting mesothelioma. These fibres are difficult to detect as they are microscopic and aren’t accompanied by any particular taste or smell. The dangers that the removal process entails have recently been subject to controversy. Many are against removing asbestos from older buildings as a result of the problems which could ensue as a result of improper removal.
Many companies worldwide have already taken the initiative to remove asbestos from older buildings. Even the government has been involved in contracting with companies to remove asbestos. The controversy surrounding removal is not likely to subside anytime soon. However, people will soon need to begin understanding that the risks involved in removal may far outweigh those involved in keeping the asbestos as-is. In the end, it is the choice of the specific owner of a structure, whether he or she wishes to remove the asbestos that may be contained within the structure. While this decision is not always straightforward, it is agreeably necessary.
Although you are not legally required to hire a licensed asbestos removal company, it is strongly recommended. AW Removals in Melbourne is a licensed Class A and B asbestos removal company that provides excellent asbestos disposal service. We have been providing quality service for over 20 years. Send us a quote now for asbestos removals! We are always ready to serve you.