Are you worried about your asbestos roof tiles safety? You are right to be!

Asbestos was a popular fortifying agent used for many construction projects in the 20th century and even in the earlier parts of the 21st century. It is lightweight, durable, inexpensive, insulating, and fireproof material which made it very enticing to many construction companies at that time. It was only recently that many people are now waking up to the harsh truth — asbestos exposure is fatal. Among the many victims of this material are the roofers who worked on the asbestos-containing roof tiles for many homes across Australia. Every moment they spent installing those asbestos roof tiles was at least another year crossed off their lives. Roofers that are working with new materials are less likely to experience the harsh effects of asbestos. 

However, workers who maintain or demolish roof tiles that might contain asbestos are at serious risk of exposure. They might be inhaling the harmful carcinogen on a regular basis and you, dear reader, might even be living under a roof that contains asbestos. Houses built in the 70s are especially susceptible to asbestos-made construction materials. This deadly material is invisible, which makes detecting it even more difficult to do. For this, you can only rely on the physical symptoms since asbestos is microscopic. Unless you get a sample and have it tested, you’ll never know for sure.

Here we list some of the 4 major signs that your asbestos roof tiles safety might have already been compromised:

Your Fingertips Are Swollen

In about 50% of reported cases of asbestosis, swollen fingertips are among the many tell-tale signs. Fingertips that appear broader and rounder around the nails are long-term effects of exposure to asbestos. What makes this even more fatal is that this symptom does not show up until after 10 or 40 years after the initial exposure. 

You Get Tired Easily

People that get tired easily and buckle down due to extreme fatigue have a high chance of having an asbestos-related disease. This particular symptom is usually associated with mesothelioma or lung cancer and also manifests concurrently with other symptoms such as shortness of breath and the above-mentioned, swollen fingertips. 

Non-stop Wheezing

Inflammation present in the lungs causes a whistling sound and what we commonly know as wheezing. This sound is even more prominent when affected people take a deep breath. It might be easy to overlook since this symptom is also uncannily similar to those who smoke heavily. But for non-smokers who experience non-stop wheezing, it could be off-putting, and definitely a cause for concern. 

Persistent Dry Cough

Asbestos attacks the lungs first before anything else, causing scar tissue to build up over many years. Remember, once asbestos is inhaled, there’s no way to get it out of our system. Our body compensates by trying to cough it up. Persistent dry cough that lasts for months, even years on end could be a strong sign that you have been exposed. Left untreated, this could damage more than just your throat. 

Be Asbestos-Free Today!

If you suspect your roof tiles containing asbestos, it might be high time to have it checked by a professional. AW Removed is an asbestos removal company in Melbourne. We hold an unlimited Asbestos Removal Melbourne License, which allows us to remove all types of asbestos-containing material from residential, commercial, and industrial sites. 

Our mission is to make every home in Australia safe from the lethal effects of asbestos. With over 20 years of experience, we aim to improve our asbestos removal services. Whether it’s in your walls, floors, or roof tiles, we’ll get rid of it in a heartbeat. You can trust our professionals to do the job that no one else can.  Make sure your home is asbestos-free. Contact AW Removals today!